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Writer's pictureNadeya Patel

Cheers To You!

This post is a bit overdue. This goes out to all of the individuals who without their help, advice, support and information this website and project would not have been possible.

This project began after an opportunity was presented to me by Kristina Rumans and Sarah Stubblefield of the Arlington Landmark Preservation Commission. Thank you to you both for trusting in me to begin mapping the Arlington mayors. That furthered into wanting to create a virtual/digital history and further this project. 

To Dorothy Rencurrel, thank you for sharing your stories with me. Thank you for instilling in me the same drive and passion you have for this city and its history.

To the Eagle Scouts, thank you for your record keeping. This was a large undertaking and some of your records were a great help to me.

To OK Carter, thank you for the use of some of your historical marker images. 

To the Lucretia Council Cochran National Society Daughters of the American Revolution and Kathy Hanlon District II Director, thank you for the constant love and support that I have received since day one of becoming a member. I have met so many empowering phenomenal women, without my second family I don’t know what I would do.

To Dr. T. Lindsay Baker, thank you for helping me find my future and my passion in public history. If our paths hadn’t crossed I’m not sure I would have found my passion. I have such a strong love for preserving the past and educating the future. I owe a great deal of that to you.

To Dr. Deborah Liles, thank you for your guidance and continuous support in anything I choose to take on. Thank you for the continued faith and confidence you have in me that I sometimes forget to have in myself.

Thank you simply isn’t enough, but I want each and every one of you to know how thankful and grateful I am for all the love and support.

This isn’t an ending, it’s just the beginning. This project is up and running but it’s just the start of the differences I plan to make.



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