They Walked Among Us
Retelling The Past
For Future Generations
Our mission, our passion, is the preservation of the past, telling the stories of those who walked among us for future generations by creating a digitized, gravestone website, and a virtual cemetery.
The concept for They Walked Among Us was conceived and developed by Nadeya Patel, a current graduate student at Tarleton State University with a lifelong love of history. Nadeya is an aspiring public historian and preservationist who has been honored with numerous scholarships and grants.
More about Nadeya.

Preserving and learning from the past is so important for future generations. As 21st century guardians of our past, preservation is now needed in both physical and digital forms. If we don't protect and care for what we have, it will slowly vanish and those who meant so much, to so many, will be lost forever.
We hope our website will become an invaluable bridge to the past for researchers, genealogists, families of those buried in the cemetery, educators, students, truthfully anyone with access to the internet.
The People, The Places, The Time
Click On Any Person or Place to Take a Step Back in History and Learn More!